It's All About ME
The work that I will be presenting in the 2022 Genoa Biennale is an Acronym Neon titled It’s All About Me. This recent work is a continuation of my neon series that explores the use of digital language as a communication tool of convenience. In this piece the acronym “ME” is a codified word for “Mother Earth”, that takes on the symbol of convenience and centers conversations around how our expeditious consumption is exploiting our natural resources. In our current age of convenience, we look to experience our lives with ease and quickness while irresponsibly ignoring the environmental effects. For this piece my goal was to bring attention to the growing expectation and normalization of convenience in our everyday lives and its detriment. Fast-paced lifestyles have fostered unrealistic expectations in the way we consume goods at the expense of Mother Earth. Our subordination to a “throw-away and replace” culture has exacerbated the rise in convenience items that are discarded after a single use, and have led to damaging environmental and social impacts. The impact of our excessive consumption on both the climate emergency and biodiversity loss is now widely recognized. Convenience as a social value distracts us from the drastic environmental effects that could be reduced by mindful individual impact.
It's all about me, 2022
Neon mounted to white powder-coated aluminum36 inches diameter1of 10