Rachel Hovnanian Immerses Us in Our Tech-Dystopia

Julia Gray , WHITEHOT MAGAZINE, November 1, 2017
Anesthetized by the warp-speed advancements of our internet era, we’ve overlooked true progress. Nature Deficit Disorder, a term conceived by Richard Louv in his book Last Child In The Woods, posits that our intense attachment to technology drives us away from nature, causing widespread malaise. Revering the lifeless screens that hold our mega-source of information and feigned pleasure, we compromise our well-being and independence under the assumption that these artificial commodities will meet our needs. This dystopia is what E.M Forster warned us about in “The Machine Stops,” as well as the phenomenon Rachel Hovnanian hopes to draw attention to with her latest show, (The Ray Lee Project Vol. 1) NDD Immersion Room, at Victori + Mo through December 22.
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